Current job offers

Current job offers

FAQ: Application

Why apply online?
It saves time and the environment.
All vacancies on our website are still open.
A cover letter, CV and your up-to-date certificates.
To the specified contact if any. Otherwise, to our HR department.
You will first receive an electronic notice of receipt. We try to get back to you in person as soon as possible.
First, we check your application carefully. If your submitted information matches our requirements, you will first have a telephone interview with the manager responsible and HR officer. This conversation is an opportunity to discuss the initial questions you or our recruiters may have. If it goes well, you will be invited to our on-site applicants' day.
After the applicants’ day, we will inform you about our decision within five working days.

Do you have any more questions? Contact us!

Phone: +49 3686 / 362 0