Harry's News
Harry's News
HARRY'S sponsors toys and equipment for Eisfeld daycare groups
Due to the company history of Feintechnik GmbH Eisfeld, which now spans more than 100 years, HARRY’S is closely connected to the region and the people who live here. It is not only in our role as one of the largest local employers that regular interaction with the people and the development of the region are important to us. For this reason, we are happy to support regional projects and institutions – especially those that support or benefit children and young people.
Within this scope, we contacted the Eisfeld daycare centres in November 2022 and discussed together how we can do something good for the children.
The corresponding wishes were fulfilled in the past weeks. Our two managing directors in turns made the official handovers in person.
Florian Schebitz started before Christmas, on 21 December 2022, in the presence of Eisfeld’s mayor Sven Gregor at the “Fritz Weineck” daycare centre in Sachsenbrunn and handed over new seat cushions for the morning group.
Right at the beginning of the new year, Gordon Bittig was at the “Zwergenhaus” daycare centre in Harras on 17 January 2023 and delivered XXL building blocks and a box of Turbo Maxi fibre painters.
On 27 January 2023, the handover took place at the “Kleine Weltentdecker” kindergarten in Eisfeld, where it was once again Florian Schebitz’s turn to bring the children two Bobby-Cars and two running bikes.
Finally, Gordon Bittig visited the daycare centre “Pfiffikus” in Eisfeld on 15 February 2023. Here, the children are delighted with a colourful exercise box with lots of play equipment and two sets of gymnastic hoops in rainbow colours.